Online Meetings

(last updated August 2, 2024)

Before attending your first AA Meeting

We sincerely welcome you!

We respectfully ask that you consider the anonymity of anyone you see or anything you hear at an AA Meeting and not share names or private information with others or announce that you saw someone at an AA meeting outside of the fellowship.

There are different types of AA meetings, which one is right for you?

If you are a friend or spouse of an alcoholic, or a student who needs to go to meetings for a class, you are welcome at any OPEN meeting.  If you are a person who has had difficulties with alcohol but are not sure you want to stop drinking, you’ll be welcomed at any open meeting too.  In the full meeting schedule, the meetings are identified as either open or closed.

Closed meetings are for people who identify as members of Alcoholics Anonymous; that is we have a desire to stop or stay stopped from drinking.
Whether open or closed we ask that when speaking at an AA meeting, persons confine their comments as they relate to alcoholism.

We suggest you attend as many meetings as possible especially if you are questioning if you have a drinking problem.  We have a solution.


To get to one of the online meetings, click on the BLUE BUTTON or the RED LINK (further down) and follow the prompts.

Meeting Schedule

Meeting Guide

Saturday 10:30am
Speaker Meeting

Beginner’s Group

Downtown Group

Downtown Group
Saturday 8pm

Men’s Stag 7:30pm

Sober in the Desert Online
(12pm-1pm Mon – Fri)

Ladies Night
(Women only)

Las Mujeres
(Women – English Speaking)

Sober at Sunrise

Los Mesilleros
English Speaking

Sober at Sunset

Sober Zoomers
Wed, Thur @ 9am

Men’s Stag in All Our Affairs
Fridays from 6pm to 7pm

Saturday Night Speaker Meeting
Saturday Night at 7pm

This list is going to continue to change.  Please check back often!
If your meeting has changed please advise the DCM, or other District 4 trusted servant(s) to assist in keeping this information up to date for anyone looking for a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous.

For phone in access to all meetings listed below, please use these numbers and enter the meeting number and password (if applicable):
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,85266808889#,,,,0#,,274950# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,85266808889#,,,,0#,,274950# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

AAand Meditation Meeting (Sundays, 4:30 pm):
AAand Meditation is NO LONGER HYBRID. It is no in-person only.

Saturday Night Speaker Meeting (Saturdays at 7:00pm EXCEPT the last Saturday of each month.)
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Saturday Night Speaker Meeting’s Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 885 9892 6382
Passcode: 990239

Beginners Group (Daily, 7:00 am):
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Beginners Groups Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 846 3661 6991
Password: 1212

Sober in the Desert Online (Monday through Friday, 12:00 pm Noon):
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Sober in the Desert Online’s Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 237 346 260
Password: 564964

Downtown Group (Daily, 5:30 pm):
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Downtown Group’s Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 427 391 800
Password: 162162

Downtown Group (Saturday 8pm):
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Downtown Group’s (Saturday) Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 425 317 113
Password: 987193

Ladies’ Night (Women only, Tuesday 7:00 pm):
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Ladies’ Night Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 613 458 289
Password: 796918

Las Mujeres (Women only, Thursday 12 Noon):
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Las Mujeres’ Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 864 226 092
Password: 186413

Los Mesilleros (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday at 5:30 pm):
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Los Mesilleros’ Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 327 308 581
Password: 466785

Men’s Stag (Men only, Monday 7:30 pm):
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Men’s Stag Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 835 4380 6442
Password: 402608

Primary Purpose Friday
**Starting May 20th, 2022 Primary Purpose will be meeting in-person at 2941 Morning Star Dr from 7:00pm to 8:00pm for a closed discussion meeting.**

Saturday 10:30 Speaker Meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Saturday Speaker Meeting’s Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 852 6680 8889
Password: 274950

Six O’Clock Solution (Friday, 6:00 pm):
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Six O’Clock Solution’s Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 469 838 567
Password: 086027

Sober at Sunrise (Daily, 7:00 am):
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Sober at Sunrise’s Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 779 801 002
Password: 705869

Sober Zoombers Wed & Thurs @ 9:00m:
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Sober Zoomers’s Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 817 0386 5924
Password: 717873

Sober at Sunset (Wednesday, 7:00pm):
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Sober at Sunset’s Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 833 0819 2745
Password: 332962

Young People in Recovery (Wednesday at 6:30 pm):
Young People is now Face-to-Face ONLY as per group conscious.

Sober Zoomers (Wed & Thur @ 9:00 am):
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Sober Zoomer’s Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 817 0386 5924
Password: 717873

Men’s Stag in All Our Affairs; Fridays from 6pm to 7pm :
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here for Men’s Stag in All our Affairs Zoom Room!
Meeting ID: 876 2168 2521
Password: 523445