Alcoholics Anonymous (575) 527-5721
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Welcome to the New Mexico District 4 website! We are glad you’re here, whether you are looking for meetings, fellowship, current events, or current news, you are in the right place for District 4 Alcoholics Anonymous.
Latest updates to this site include “Meetings”, “Online Meetings”, “Events and Announcements”, and “District Workshops”
Please Note:
OPEN meetings are available to anyone with an interest in Alcoholics Anonymous or alcoholism. If you were sent by the court, are a student needing to attend meeting(s) for a class, or just curious about alcoholism or Alcoholics Anonymous, you are welcome to attend OPEN meetings.
CLOSED meetings are specifically limited to persons with a desire to stop drinking. If you have a desire to stop drinking, you are welcome to attend closed meetings.
We especially ask that you respect the anonymity, confidentiality and privacy of anyone attending ANY meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous; open or closed.
Thank you.
Keep in mind no one person speaks for Alcoholics Anonymous as a whole. Each group (and each member) of AA is autonomous.
If you have a problem with alcohol, Alcoholics Anonymous has a solution that we will freely share with you. We don’t charge anything for this solution, and AA never will. We are self-supporting through our own voluntary contributions, which is what pays for meeting space and this site.
Welcome! We’re glad you’re here!
If you want to drink, that’s your business.
If you want to stop, that’s ours.
Alcoholics Anonymous (575) 527-5721
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Take a look at the following article about getting sober. Not Drinking but Not Sober